2015 race entry details
Details of the entry process for the 2015 Dragon's Back Race are now live.
Wendy Dodds, who at 61 was the oldest competitor to complete the 2012 Dragon's Back Race™ is an inspiration to many. Photo ©Jon Brooke
Entry criteria and entry process
As for the 2012 race we will expect all competitors to have experience of the following:
1) Ultra Distance Races
An ultra distances race is any race greater than marathon distance. Race experience can be in any terrain type but mountain running races are most relevant.
2) Multiday Races
Again these can on any terrain type but mountain running races are most relevant.
3) Mountain Running
The gold standard is elite mountain marathon events* because they replicate the difficulty of the ‘off-trail’ terrain that will be encountered on the Dragon’s Back Race™ most accurately and because they have a significant navigational element. We recognise that mountain marathons are a very British phenomenon and we will accept different experience from international competitors.
4) Navigation in the Mountains
Competitors will need to confirm that they are confident travelling through the mountains using a map and compass to navigate. The Dragon’s Back Race™ is not a marked course and it is competitors’ responsibility to visit each checkpoint in the correct order.
We recognise that some competitors will have relevant experience that isn’t ‘race’ experience such as completing well-known mountain running challenges, like the Bob Graham Round. Experience of this nature is welcomed.
Obviously, one race could tick all the experience boxes and in this case competitors do not need to provide different examples for each different category of experience. However, it is worth noting that competitors that are able to demonstrate a broad range of experience are much more likely to be offered an entry.
Competitors will need to provide evidence of their experience in the form of race results including their position, nature of the race (distance, height gain, terrain etc); they must appear in the official results and provide an online link to these results.
Competitors can register as a team (pairs) or as solo entrants.
All experience must be within three years of 8th September 2014. Any experience that predates 8th September 2011 will not be considered.
Pre-registration dates
1st April 2013 – 8th September 2014
Between the 1st April 2013 and the 8th September 2014 competitors may register and update their experience at any point. There is no limit to the number of times a competitor may update their experience. After the 8th September 2014 competitors’ applications will be frozen and it will not be possible for competitors to amend their experience.
There is no pre-registration fee.
Confirmation of entry / draw date
30th September 2014
There will be approximately 120 places available at the 2015 Dragon’s Back Race™. We will offer more places than this to allow for the natural drop out rate as the race approaches. Therefore, because the event will be overbooked, there will be no waiting list.
50% of the places will be allocated to the competitors with the greatest experience and/or best, relevant race results as judged by the race organisers.
We anticipate the race being over subscribed and therefore the remaining 50% of places will be drawn randomly from all the entries that we deem to have met the minimum level of experience. Competitors who have the minimum level of experience but are unsuccessful in the draw will be offered a preferential entry for the next Dragon’s Back Race™ (details to be confirmed).
It is important to note that just because a competitor has been offered a place at the Dragon’s Back Race, that this is no guarantee of their ability to complete the event. We can only make a judgment about competitors ability on the basis of the information provided.
Whether competitors are entered as pairs or solo entries, will have no affect on their chances in the draw.
The race entry fee must be paid within 14 days of competitors’ confirmation of entry (i.e. payment by Tuesday 14th October 2014). Failure to pay the entry fee will mean that the competitor’s place is forfeited.
Entry fee
To Be Confirmed by 1st April 2013. Part of the entry fee will include a non refundable deposit.
Race Dates
June 2015 – the exact week will be confirmed once the UK school half term holiday dates are known.
* Mountain Marathon events, such as:
Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon
Original Mountain Marathon
Great Lakeland 3Day
Marmot Dark Mountains
Rab Mountain Marathon
Saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon
Highlander Mountain Marathon
The Dragon's Back Race