RAW Adventures are ready to show you the route of the Montane Dragon’s Back Race® - whether you are entered and in full training mode or simply looking for a ‘taster day’ to find out more - come along and explore Wales with experienced guides who have excellent knowledge of the race!
Runners offer their tips for success in the Montane Dragon’s Back Race. How to make it to the finish line and lesson learned.
Joe Faulkner and Katie Cole – both Ex-Dragons and Mountain Leaders – share their thoughts and experiences from the Montane Dragon’s Back Race® in terms of safe mountain judgement.
Joe Faulkner and Katie Cole – both Ex-Dragons and Mountain Leaders – share their thoughts and experiences from the Montane Dragon’s Back Race® in terms of mountain skills.
Get some top tips on training for the Montane Dragon’s Back Race® from Paul Tierney from Missing Link Coaching.
International mountain runner, Sarah McCormack, from Missing Link Coaching shares some top tips for training for those Dragon’s Back Race hills!