8 Tips for Keeping Going (Even When Everything is Against You)
By Eleanor Claringbold-Driscoll
As ultra-runners, we’ve all been there. You’ve been going for hours (maybe even days if you’re doing a multi-day race like the Dragon’s Back Race®), everything hurts, you’re moving so slowly you think it’s a wonder you’re not going backwards, and everything is screaming at you to stop!
Perhaps the weather has been against you, perhaps you’re miles behind your scheduled pace and reaching that finish line seems like an insurmountable task? It is tough to keep going when it feels like everything is against you. I certainly have my fair share of experience in this regard.
Here are my tips for pushing on when things get tough:
1. Stop and assess the situation
As runners, we don’t like stopping. Our first instinct is to keep pushing on, but sometimes you need to stop and ask yourself why things are feeling tough.
Is the weather making things really difficult? In which case, will putting on an extra layer or waterproof help?
Are you running low on energy? If so, stopping and having something to eat might give you the boost you need.
Are you feeling any pain? A paracetamol might be what you need to keep going (although within reason – if using painkillers make sure you’re keeping tabs on this to make sure you don’t take too much!)
Do you simply want to have a sleep? If you’ve practised using caffeine in your training, maybe now is a good time to take some.
All these things may sound obvious, but when you’re in the middle of it all, it can be easy to forget these simple steps needed to look after yourself. Sometimes, stopping for a minute to put on a layer, have some food, take some pain relief is exactly what you need to pick yourself up again.
Stopping to look after yourself is key ©No Limits Photography
2. Break it down into sections
If you try and think about the whole journey in one go, it is going to seem overwhelming. When you’re struggling, break it down.
On the Dragon’s Back Race®, you might just focus on making it to the Overnight Camp and not worry about the days to come. Or perhaps just focus on getting to the Water Point or Support Point. If you are really struggling, break it down even more. Just concentrate on getting to the top of that next climb.
Sometimes, you might even want to give yourself permission to quit. On a number of occasions, I have told myself I am pulling out at the next road crossing or checkpoint, only to get there and decide that actually I’ll carry on after all. But it was the motivation of being able to quit that kept me going (a bit of reverse psychology if you will), and then once I’d had something to eat, I realised that actually, it wasn’t so bad, and I could keep going! Which leads me onto my next point…
Just focus on that next summit! ©No Limits Photography
3. Never quit on an empty stomach!
Every year at the Dragon’s Back Race® people come into the camp at the end of a long, hard day out in the hills and say that they’re done. However, after several portions of chips, a big meal and a night’s sleep, they miraculously feel ready and raring to go again the next day! If you are thinking of quitting or that you’ve had enough, make sure you’re well fed before making any big decisions… you might find those calories were just what you needed to perk you up!
Keeping fuelled is a necessity! ©No Limits Photography
4. Remember that there will be ups and downs
As soon as you start any kind of long distance challenge, you will experience highs and lows. It’s how we deal with the lows that is the real test of strength.
Remember – the tough times are only temporary. Chances are, if you keep pushing on, you will come out the other side of the rough patch and feel all the stronger for it! The key is to push through the tough times, and appreciate the times where you feel strong and invincible.
It’s worth sticking with it for the moments where you feel like this ©No Limits Photography
5. Distraction is key!
Keeping yourself distracted is one of the best ways to keep going. There are limitless strategies for this, so find one that works for you!
Personally, I like to sing to myself of the downhills (it’s not for everyone) but it helps keep me relaxed. Some people like to count to 100 on the climbs, others like to focus on the views. If you’ve got company, chatting can easily pass the time. Just don’t get so distracted that you forget to concentrate on where you’re going!
You can get creative with your distractions ©No Limits Photography
6. Lean on other people if you can!
The camaraderie found on ultra running events like the Dragon’s Back Race® is second to none! Being surrounded by like-minded people is often the boost that you need. If you’re struggling, talk to the other runners around you or the volunteers. Chances are they will be full of encouragement and support to help bolster you. I have personally found that support from the people around me has given me a bigger boost than any sports gel or nutrition bar.
However, it can get pretty lonely out there on the trails. You won’t necessarily be surrounded by people at all times, especially during a long distance challenge when the field gets so spread out, so you might need to use your imagination. Think about the people back home who will be watching your tracker and desperately urging you on from the comfort of their home!
If you’ve had Dragon Mail printed at the previous overnight camp, it may be a great idea to have this to hand to remind you of all the people willing you on!
Dragon Mail might give you the encouragement you need to press on ©No Limits Photography
7. Remember how far you’ve come
Things might not be going to plan and you may be feeling like actually, maybe you just want to stop. However, think of all the hours you have spent training for this. All the thought you’ve put into the logistics, the time poring over maps, dialling in your nutrition strategy, testing kit. Don’t let that all go to waste! Think about how much has gone into getting you this far into the journey. Maybe think back to how you were at the start of training. And now look at where you are! This might give you that confidence and boost you need! And if in doubt, a mantra never hurt anyone.
“This is hard, but I do hard things. I am tough.” These are all words I tell myself.
8. If necessary, reframe your goals
Maybe when you started you had a specific time in mind and have spent the last few hours watching that time slip away from you? When you take on a challenge this big, there are no guarantees, and sometimes, for whatever reason, that goal time just isn’t going to happen on this occasion. When it becomes clear that your first goal is no longer looking achievable, it can be tempting to pack the whole thing in and give up!
However, there are two ways you can deal with this: you can either give up and go home, or you can reframe your experience. Set a new goal that you can achieve, whether that’s just meeting the cut offs, or on the Dragon’s Back Race to stay to the end in Cardiff on the Hatchling Course. Even if you don’t achieve your initial goal, it will still be a massive achievement, and you will definitely feel a lot better making it to the finish!
The Hatchling course is still an enormous achievement in its own right ©No Limits Photography
Sometimes, it’s okay not to push on
Sometimes, keeping going isn’t the right decision. Ultra running can take a huge toll on the body, and sometimes we become injured. In which case, making the decision to pull out can be gut wrenching. However, as we’ve said above, sometimes it becomes necessary to reframe your goals. It may be tough, but in some cases, dropping out is actually what you need to do in order to keep going in the long term. If this is the case, then don’t think of it as giving up – think of it as giving yourself the best possible chance to succeed in the future!
When we take on an epic challenge, we know we are going to face challenges – that’s why we do it! It is how we deal with the challenges that matters.
Ready to take on a challenge?
Entries are now SOLD OUT for the 2024 Dragon’s Back Race® – join the waiting list, or register your interest for the 2025 event!
Everyone who registers interest in the 2025 event will have early access to entries opening! It’s the only way to guarantee your space on this epic adventure. With 2024 entries selling out, we expect entries to sell fast for 2025.