Ecological briefing notes
The Dragon’s Back Race® passes through the full range of Wales’ outstanding upland landscapes, including all of the highest mountain ranges in the country. These are recognised as areas of national and international importance for their upland wildlife habitats, flora and fauna. Occasionally, the features that provide this interest can be vulnerable to the wear and tear that may result from the passage of Dragon’s Back Race® participants. The risk of ecological damage is carefully assessed during early stages in the planning process for the event, when every effort is made to avoid the need for participants to cross areas of special ecological interest.
For situations where participants might need to pass through areas of ecological sensitivity we are keen to encourage personal route selection choices by participants that avoid the risk of local ecological disturbance. These ecological briefing notes have been prepared for each day of the Dragon’s Back Race® to identify key features that contribute to the special ecological value of the event area, with route selection comments to help minimise the risk of localised ecological disturbance.
In general, here are a few key rules to stick to:
if the route does go on a path, stick to it;
on path lines try to stay away from the edges, where trampling leads to widening of the path;
if there's no path, stay on the driest, grassiest ground, avoiding wet areas, peat, scree and mossy habitats if possible.
The Dragon’s Back Race® passes through the full range of Wales’ outstanding upland landscapes ©No Limits Photography
Day one
Day one of the Dragon’s Back Race® crosses the core area of mountain landscape within northern Snowdonia, passing through locations that define the special character of the area. The majority of the day one area is occupied by the Eryri Site of Special Scientific Interest (recognising its national nature conservation importance) and Special Area of Conservation (recognising its international nature conservation importance), enclosing one of the most distinctive and ecologically valuable areas of upland landscape in Britain. This includes the high ridges of the Carneddau with their ice-shattered boulder fields creating Wales’ arctic landscape. The route then passes through the remarkably diverse upland landscape of the Glyderau and Snowdon ranges where complex sedimentary and volcanic geology has been heavily glaciated to create a celebrated series of high mountain ridges and pyramidal peaks.
The consistent high altitude of the landscape crossed by the day one route is reflected in extensive areas of montane and fell-field vegetation comprising highly specialised arctic alpine plant species. This is a post-glacial relict flora of international importance that is very slow-growing and vulnerable to damage by the disturbance effects of trampling. However, Dragon’s Back Race® controls have been located within this area to encourage race participants to follow existing paths, providing a route that will generally avoid the need to cross pristine montane vegetation and habitat.
In addition to tracts of high value upland vegetation and wildlife habitat, extensive sections of the Dragon’s Back Race® day one route cross areas of upland grassland and dry heath that are relatively robust in terms of resisting potential disturbance from trampling effects. Localised ecological interest features are present within these areas that include patches of upland woodland, blanket peat, wet heath, upland lake margins, rock outcrop ledges, boulder field and scree habitats.
Day one crosses the core area of mountain landscape within northern Snowdonia ©No Limits Photography
Day two
Day two of the Dragon’s Back Race® passes from northern Snowdonia into an area of wild, upland landscape within central and southern Snowdonia. The northern section of day two passes through the Moelwyn Hills area that contains woodland sites of international nature conservation importance and a distinctive area of sub-montane heath and ancient hill farmland. The central and southern part of the day two event area passes through the Rhinog mountains of mid-Wales. The majority of this area is highly designated for its nature conservation interest at national and international levels, comprising an area of remote and rugged upland landscape. Key features within this area include ancient riparian and ravine oakwoods at lower levels with extensive areas of sub-montane acid grassland, heath vegetation and rock outcrop habitats. Higher level ground, summits and high ridges within this area have distinctive montane heath and grassland vegetation that includes many uncommon arctic-alpine plant species. Several hill lakes are present within high mountain cwms.
Many of the sub-montane and montane acid grassland and heath vegetation types within the day two event area are relatively robust in terms of potential trampling damage from participants. In places, however, vegetation and habitats are more vulnerable to disturbance. In particular, this concerns the fragile bryophyte and lichen communities within upland oakwoods, higher level montane heath and montane grassland and areas of diverse vegetation and habitat that have developed at the margin of hill lakes. In addition, many of the rock outcrops within this area have valuable rock ledge and seepage plant communities that are vulnerable to disturbance.
Day Two passes from northern Snowdonia into an area of wild, upland landscape within central and southern Snowdonia ©No Limits Photography
Day three
Day three of the Dragon’s Back Race® passes through southern Snowdonia into mid-Wales. The northern section of day three passes through the Cadair Idris massif before crossing an extensive area of lower level farmland and forestry plantations. To the south of the day three event area the route crosses the upland landscape of the Plynlimon area.
Cadair Idris is an area of national and international importance for its sub-montane and montane habitats and features of geological interest. It is one of the most southerly areas of mountain landscape in Britain and has vegetation that contains arctic-alpine plant species growing at the extreme southern extent of their British range. Key habitats within the area include upland woodlands on lower slopes, with sub-montane acid grassland, heath vegetation and rock outcrop habitats at higher levels. Distinctive montane heath and grassland vegetation has developed on the highest areas, often in patches that reflect well-defined periglacial patterned ground features that include stone polygons and stripes.
Many of the sub-montane and montane acid grassland and heath vegetation types along the day three route are relatively robust in terms of potential trampling damage from participants. In places, however, vegetation and habitats are more vulnerable to disturbance.
In particular, this concerns some of the montane grassland and heath plant communities that have developed within the frost-shattered boulderfields and across high mountain ridges. However, Dragon’s Back Race® controls for day three have been located to encourage participants to follow existing paths, providing a route through this area that will generally avoid the need to cross pristine upland vegetation and habitat.
Day Three passes through southern Snowdonia into mid-Wales ©No Limits Photography
Day four
Day four of the Dragon’s Back Race® passes through the extensive upland landscape of mid Wales. The northern section of day four passes through an area of hill farmland and conifer plantations, before entering the extensive sheepwalk landscape of the Elan Valley. This is a dissected landscape of hill pasture grassland and moorland patches extending across hills defined by steep-sided, often incised valleys.
Towards the southern end of the day four event area the landscape includes several locations of considerable nature conservation interest. In particular, areas of upland acid grassland, heath, bog and woodland are present that have been designated for their nature conservation value at national and international levels. The extensive hill grassland and sub-montane heath at the southern end of the event area are recognised as an area of special ornithological interest, in particular for populations of ground nesting birds. At the southern end of the event area conifer woodland becomes a more prominent feature, fragmenting the areas of special nature conservation interest.
The majority of sub-montane acid grassland vegetation types along the day four route are relatively robust in terms of potential trampling damage from Dragon’s Back Race® participants. In places, however, vegetation and habitats are more vulnerable to disturbance. These include locations where upland wet grassland and bog habitats are present. Patches of upland oak woodland are also sensitive to disturbance, in particular with regard to the diverse and valuable communities of bryophytes and lichens that are typically present within these habitats. The important ground nesting upland bird populations that are known to use habitats to the south of the event area are vulnerable to nest disturbance from trampling.
Day Four passes through the extensive upland landscape of mid Wales ©No Limits Photography
Day five
The northern section of the Dragon’s Back Race® day five event area passes through low lying farmland before crossing the striking upland landscape of the Black Mountains, a western part of the Brecon Beacons National Park.
Features of special nature conservation interest are concentrated within the southern section of the event area, a landscape of varied sedimentary geology with some spectacular glacial landforms. The great variety of rock types and topography within the southern part of the event area are reflected in a variety of upland wildlife habitat and vegetation types. Extensive tracts of significant upland habitat and vegetation are present, including widespread areas of national and international nature conservation importance. These typically comprise a variety of sub-montane grassland types that have developed within an area of considerable geological variety. In places patches of blanket bog have developed, occasionally occupying extensive areas.
The majority of sub-montane dry acid grassland and calcareous grassland vegetation types along the day five route are relatively robust in terms of potential trampling damage from participants. In places, however, vegetation and habitats are more vulnerable to disturbance. These include locations where upland wet grassland and bog vegetation is present, and several locations known for their striking arctic alpine flora. In addition, a number of streams are present within the southern part of the event area that are of potentially significant ecological interest.
Day Five passes through low lying farmland before crossing the striking upland landscape of the western Brecon Beacons ©No Limits Photography
Day Six
The northern section of the Dragon’s Back Race day six route leaves the southern margin of the Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park, passing through mainly hill pasture grassland before following the River Taff valley southwards towards Merthyr Tydfil. The route continues towards Cardiff, passing through areas of hill farmland and Common Land with areas of woodland. The route continues through Cardiff to the finish line, following the course of the River Taff.
Features of special nature conservation interest along the day six route of the Dragon’s Back Race are mainly associated with patches of long established and ancient semi-natural woodland. It is essential that Dragon’s Back Race participants pass through these areas by using established paths and tracks, avoiding the need to cross areas of undisturbed woodland wildlife habitat.
Dry acid grassland is an extensive vegetation type within the event area, formed where centuries of livestock grazing has converted heather moorland to open grassland. These areas provide a relatively robust vegetation type that can generally withstand the trampling effects of fell running.
Areas of wet acid grassland will be encountered where impeded drainage occurs within relatively level acid grassland areas or where groundwater emerges at the ground surface as spring-head seepages across more steeply sloping ground. Wet acid grassland can be of special nature conservation interest, in particular where groundwater seepages provide suitable conditions for communities of specialised mosses, liverworts and other plants. These vegetation types can be vulnerable to persistent disturbance effects of trampling and should ideally be avoided wherever possible by selecting routes that keep to surrounding dry grassland to by-pass wet acid grassland patches.
Specialised arctic-alpine plant species are present at locations within dry acid grassland on higher level, north-facing slopes throughout the event area. These species are part of a relict post-glacial flora that survives in British uplands and comprises some of the most highly valued nature conservation sites in the Brecon Beacons National Park. It is important to avoid vegetation disturbance wherever possible in situations where route choices involve crossing steep, north-facing slopes.
Nutrient-rich groundwater can appear as springs on high level, steep slopes where vegetation rich in specialised arctic-alpine moss and liverwort species can be present. Wherever possible, route choices should avoid disturbance to these features.
Dry calcareous grassland is a locally extensive vegetation type within the western part of the day five event area, occurring as hill pasture over limestone and lime-rich moraine deposits. This vegetation type is often accompanied by low rock outcrops and scree slopes. Dry calcareous grassland within the Brecon Beacons is an important vegetation type, and includes several uncommon plant species. The vegetation typically forms on relatively shallow soils and as such can be quickly eroded by trampling. Some of the highest quality grassland of this type develops on shallow soils over limestone rock outcrops and within areas of limestone scree and, as such, is especially vulnerable to erosion. Care should be taken with route selection through areas with grassland, limestone rock outcrops and scree to avoid excessive vegetation wear, especially when negotiating vegetated outcrops and scree.
Wet acid grassland at spring-head seepages on steep ground can be difficult to avoid where they cross valuable contouring lines. Complete avoidance of these areas could involve a significant route change and deviation from the desired contour level. Despite this, it would be ideal if damage to seepage zone vegetation could be minimised, often located within shallow gullys, re-entrant features or associated with ground level rock outcrops that cross steep slopes.
On hillsides, soil movements within dry acid grassland areas can develop well-defined micro-terrace systems, often called sheep walks or trods. These typically lie parallel to contours and can provide extremely useful running lines. Grassland vegetation at the edge of these micro-terraces is often friable and easily dislodged. Care should be taken when using these features for contouring to avoid running on terrace edges to minimise grassland damage. Areas of saturated ground can occur where groundwater issues into terrace formations. These locations are especially vulnerable to running damage and should be avoided where possible.
Sub-montane vegetation within the day one event area and the Rhinog part of the day two event area includes tracts of dry and wet heath. Areas of dry heath are relatively robust in terms of resistance to disturbance effects of trampling, but wet heath areas can be more vulnerable. These often grade into bog vegetation on deeper peat that combine to create areas of particular upland ecological interest. Wherever possible participants should avoid crossing wet heath vegetation when choosing running routes. If crossing these areas cannot be avoided then running lines should try to link patches of drier vegetation that will be less vulnerable to disturbance effects of trampling.
The summits and ridges of the day one event area, the Rhinog Hills of the day two event area, and Cadair Idris in the day three event area have significant tracts of montane grassland and heath vegetation within areas of important high-level ice-shattered boulderfields. These comprise relict post-glacial vegetation that are of very high ecological interest and consist of very slow-growing grass, sedge, rush and lichen species. Disturbance of these areas by trampling typically has long-lasting impacts and can trigger erosion of adjacent vegetation areas in the harsh climate of summits and high ridges where this vegetation is found. The vegetation of these areas has often developed within periglacial patterned ground features such as stone polygons and stone stripes that are important upland geomorphological features that are vulnerable to trampling disturbance. Wherever possible participants should follow existing paths through these areas to avoid trampling damage to pristine montane vegetation.
The special upland ecological interest of the day one and day two event areas includes vegetation of rock outcrop ledges and seepage zones. Many of these locations are known to be important for the relict post-glacial flora that they contain, protected from significant grazing by their inaccessibility. While most of the taller outcrops will not be accessed by Dragon’s Back Race® participants, route selection might include crossing areas of low rock outcrop that are still of value for these uncommon upland plant communities. Where this terrain is crossed great care should be taken to minimize disturbance to fragile ledge vegetation.
A number of locations with upland sessile oakwoods are present within the event areas. These are usually sites of considerable nature conservation interest largely associated with the diverse communities of mosses, liverworts and lichens that have developed within the shady, damp conditions that persist within these woodlands. Many of the moss, liverwort and lichen species in these woodlands are uncommon, and their presence represents a very high level of nature conservation interest. These plant communities are very slow-growing and disturbance by trampling from runners would have a long-term impact. Because of this it is important that any routes taken through these woodland sites utilise existing paths and tracks.
A number of upland lakes are present within the day one to day three event areas that are of special ecological interest. These are usually associated with well-developed lake margin vegetation that often include valuable peatland and mire vegetation. Under no circumstances should any upland lake be entered by any Dragon’s Back Race® participants, and route choices should avoid running near lake margin vegetation areas.
Areas of extensive upland grassland and sub-montane heath within the event areas on day one to day four are known to be used by important populations of ground nesting birds. As the Dragon’s Back Race® will take place during the bird breeding season great care should be taken when crossing these areas to avoid disturbance of nests, eggs and young birds which will all be very well camouflaged. It is always preferable to cross these areas using existing paths and hill tracks wherever possible.
Blanket bog is present at several locations within the event areas. Many of these areas comprise degraded blanket bog forming peat hags (erosion gullys) where bog vegetation has been lost and the underlying peat is being eroded. In many cases, the bare peat exposed in hags may have become stabilised by vegetation colonisation. Within the day five event area, vegetation loss may have been caused by a variety of historic factors such as air pollution, and moorland management with burning/drainage; the resulting loss of peat and blanket bog vegetation is an important conservation management issue for the Brecon Beacons National Park. At several locations the bare peat exposed in hags has become stabilised, allowing a slow recovery of blanket bog vegetation that will eventually help to prevent the loss of peat through erosion. Areas of high quality, intact blanket bog are present within the event area; these comprise vegetation with a high proportion of Sphagnum mosses on deep peat with limited evidence of peat erosion or gulley formation.
Limestone pavement is present at locations to the west of the day five event area, providing features of considerable nature conservation importance. The main ecological interest within this area is associated with communities of mosses, ferns and other plants that utilise the special microclimate of deep cracks (grykes) within the limestone pavement. Their location deep within the limestone pavement will ensure that they are protected from disturbance by runners. Occasionally, patches of limestone grassland are present on the surface of the pavement and these are vulnerable to fragmentation by disturbance from runners, and should be avoided if possible when selecting routes across limestone pavement areas. In addition to their botanical interest, limestone pavements are of considerable geological interest. Weathering of the limestone surface has formed a variety of finely sculpted rock flutings and runnels with friable edges that could easily be snapped off when running across the pavements. This risk should be considered when selecting routes in the limestone pavement areas.
The day five event area contains a complex network of streams and rivers, some of which are potentially vulnerable to ecological disturbance from repeated crossing by runners. In particular, stream channels within the event area that cross limestone bedrock have the potential to support valuable populations of a highly protected aquatic invertebrate, the white-clawed crayfish. This animal is generally inactive during the day, and if present during the race will be sheltering in burrows excavated into stream margins. Other important mammal species may be present along stream margins, including otter and water vole. Wherever possible, stream crossings should avoid sliding down banks into streams to avoid the potential for disturbing the stream margin burrows and resting places of these animals.